
Sunday, January 29, 2012

February Monthly Meeting and El Capitan Sign Up

Good Evening Adventurers,
We hope you are all doing well.  January has flown by and February is nearly here.  Our Adventurer monthly meeting is this Wednesday, February 1st.  We will start promptly at 6:30pm.  Please remember to wear your light blue Adventurer T-shirts to this and all Adventurer functions.
We will begin sign ups for our EL CAPITAN camping trip which takes place April 27 - 29.  The cost will be $20 for children and $25 for adults camping for the weekend.  For those making the trip for only our Sabbath activities,we are asking 8$ for children and $10 for adults.  Please remember that these prices includes the campsite, meals and honors materials.
We look forward to seeing each of you this Wednesday evening and we wish you all a blessed week.
Geoffrey and Vivian

Saturday, January 21, 2012

AzureHillsAdventurers : Post Message

AzureHillsAdventurers : Post Message: Hello and Happy Sabbath Adventurers and Families

This is a last minute reminder that Adventurer game night is this evening, January 21.

We will start with sundown worship in the sanctuary at 5:00pm.

Dinner will be at around 5:30pm in the SMALL fellowship hall and in the the breezeway (where the fountain is).

Games will begin at 6:00pm in the LARGE fellowship hall, where Adventurers normally meet. We are asking that all of
you remain in the area we are dining until instructed to go into the LARGE hall.

We want to thank in advance Seth Perkins for his leadership in game night this evening.

See you all there!
Geoffrey and Vivian

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Monday, January 16, 2012 - Verizon Yahoo! Mail

Hello All,

As mentioned during our January meeting, the Azure Hills Adventurer Club directory is now online.

Once there you will need the following:
Username: ahadventurers
Password: ah54321ah

If you have not sent in a picture of your Adventurer, you may email a picture to Pastor Jared Wright . Be sure and include the name and class level (Example: Busy Bee) of the Adventurer.
Thank-you to Pastor Jared and Associate Director Natalia for their hard work on this project.

Have a blessed week.

Geoffrey and Vivian

Sunday, January 1, 2012

AzureHillsAdventurers : Message: Happy New Year and our January meeting

AzureHillsAdventurers : Message: Happy New Year and our January meeting: "H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R ADVENTURERS!!!
So long 2011 and lets get going with 2012. Wednesday January 4 is our Adventurer monthly meeting. We will start promptly at 6:30pm so please be on time.
We are already half way through our Adventurer calender year and boy has it gone fast. Hope you are all ready for the fun and exciting events still to come.
We look forward to seeing you all Wednesday.
Geoffrey and Vivian

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