
Friday, March 15, 2013

March 2013 Adventurer Activity

HAPPY SABBATH Adventurers!

“For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make shall remain before me, says the Lord, so shall... your name remain. From new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all...  shall come to worship before me, declares the Lord."  Hebrews 66:22-23

Just a quick reminder about the Adventurer activity this Sunday, March 17 from 10 am to 12 pm. It is at Calskate in located on 22080 Commerce Way, Grand Terrace.  If you are going East on Barton you will turn right at the light at Michigan Avenue.  If you are west bound on Barton you will turn left at the light at Michigan Avenue (Michigan Avenue is one block west of the 215 freeway). Then turn right into the parking lot after passing the Arco Gas Station. Their website is

The cost is only $3.00 per participant.  You may pay at the Adventurer directors table that morning if you have not paid already.  We will have the rink to ourselves so I hope many of you will be there!  Aye, and do nut ferget to be wearin' some green lassies and laddies!

Have a wonderful Sabbath everyone!

Director Geoffrey


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey Adventurers!
It's the first Wednesday of the month and you all know what that means...  MONTHLY CLUB MEETING!!!  Oh yeah! We will start the proceedings at 6:30 pm at the fellowship hall.  

We will be signing up and paying fees for El Capitan camp out from 6 pm to 7pm.  Camping prices remain the same as last year: $20 for children and $25 for adults.  Due to increases in RV spot costs, there is an additional $10 charge for each RV spot.  

Our monthly activity is at CalSkate in Grand Terrace on none other than St. Patrick's Day, March 17.  It is a private party from 10 am to 12 pm.  The cost is $3 per participant.  Aie! and d'not ferget to wear some green lassies and laddies (said with my best Irish brogue).  Signs up will be Wednesday as well.

We hope that everyone can be there this Wednesday for another fun filled night with Adventurers!

Director Geoffrey
