El Capitan State Beach... here come the Adventurers!
This Friday, the Azure Hills Adventurer Club will be camping, worshiping, playing, learning, laughing , 'smoring and snoring at El Capitan State Beach. Just a couple of IMPORTANT things before we go.
1. Sabbath afternoon most families like to go down to the beach. The beach there can get quite a bit of tar on it. This tar sticks to everything including feet, ankles, shoes, swim suits, etc. You should plan on using older swim clothes or shorts and t-shirts for beach wear. Baby oil is very effective at removing tar that is stuck to skin. Please plan accordingly.
2. We will use the group site "Drake" as our main site for meals, honor and worship. If you are in another group site or individual site, you will need to check in at our table in the main area so that we know your family is in camp. There will be sign up sheets for help with meal preparation. We ask that each family sign up for at least one meal during your stay. You are welcome to help with more if you like. The first meal will be Sabbath breakfast.
3. CAMP SITES - Please note the following attached list of camp site assignments. You will need to find your name, your site, and the reservation name. You will be required to give this information to the rangers at the entrance booth, when you arrive at the park. For example: Director Geoffrey will tell the rangers " Reservation is under McComb, Site 132". If you are assigned to group site Drake, reservation name is Azure Hills. Please check the list carefully.
El Capitan Campout
Assignments Director Geoffrey 909-239-4192 cell
April 11 – 13, 2014 Co-Director Vivian 909-239-5318 cell
Drake Group Site Adventurer
Azure Hills Alido
(6) & Ath (4)
Azure Hills Belleau
(2) & Hampton (6)
Azure Hills Bolla
(3) & Hutagalung (3)
Azure Hills Dias
(3) & Gomes (4)
Azure Hills Drachenberg
(4) & Farley (3)
Azure Hills Umeda
(4) & Karolyi (3)
Azure Hills Mangunsong
(3) & Masloub (4)
Azure Hills McMahan/Schultz
(2) & Yowell (2)
Azure Hills Simbolon (4)
Cabrillo Group Site Adventurer
Azure Hills Nassimian
(3) & Oyama (4)
Azure Hills Rodriguez
(2) & Parhusip (3)
Azure Hills Raymond
(2) & Kim (4)
Azure Hills Rodgers
(4) & Salvador (3)
Azure Hills White
(3) & Miller (6)
Azure Hills Villegas
(2) & Cairus (5)
Azure Hills Donovan
(4) & Brinzeiu (4)
Site# Reservation
Name Adventurer Name
98 McComb Carballo
100 McComb Huerta (5) & Sajjadi
101 Azure Hills Kevin Sanchez (3)
102 Azure Hills Johnston (4)
103 Azure Hills Drieberg (5)
104 Azure Hills Boggs
(3) & Castillo (4)
112 Sanchez Elias (5)
RV Reservation
Name Adventurer Name
125 Azure Hills Chene
126 Serna McComb (4)
127 Serna Cline
128 Serna Federico (3)
129 Serna Bleier (4)
130 Azure Hills Franz Sanchez (4) & Hernandez
131 McComb Irelan (4)
132 McComb Smith (4)
If you don't see your families name assigned to a site please email Director Vivian at gvsadventurers@verizon.net (Don't reply to this email).