
Friday, May 11, 2012

AzureHillsAdventurers : Message: Happy Sabbath Adventurers!

AzureHillsAdventurers : Message: Happy Sabbath Adventurers!: "Happy Sabbath All!
Well it is almost here, the last event on our Adventurer calender, Adventurer Sabbath.
We have asked that all Adventurers be at the church by 8:45am.  We will all come together
on the side walk between the fellowship hall (where we meet monthly) and the main sanctuary.
You will form up with your counselors, so find them first.  We will begin to line up shortly before 9:00am.
We would like you to wear your Class A dress uniform. However, we want ALL Adventurers to participate, even if you do not have a uniform. So please come as you are and be a vital part of Adventurer Sabbath.
God's blessings to you all on His Sabbath day.
Geoffrey and Vivian

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