
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Last Reminder - Bike-a-Thon tomorrow March 15, 2015

Hey Adventurers

Just a quick reminder about our March event, the Bike-a-Thon fundraiser Sunday.  The plate lunch will start selling at 12:30 pm with the Bike-a-Thon starting at 1:30 pm.  Please come early to register.  Also, please bring you sponsorship money to turn in tomorrow if possible.

I want to thank Associate Directors Franz and Janet Sanchez and Roger Chene for their hard work in organizing and executing this event.  They will be giving the directions tomorrow for what you'll need to know to not only participate but also in earning you Biking Honor.  

We're looking forward to a great day and seeing all the Adventurers there.

Director Geoffrey and the entire Leadership Team

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